Friday, August 1, 2014

What's in Your Cart? Linky Party!

I'm linking up with Jenna at Speech Room News to share what's in my Teacher's Pay Teachers cart for the upcoming Back to School Sale!!

Since it's still summer, you can check out my Summer Social Skills Packet! I made this at the end of the school year and used it with my language kiddos a LOT in our last few sessions! They really seemed to like the situations, and loved acting out good and bad ways to handle each situation! You could totally still use this at the beginning of the year! :)

Now, here are all the things on my wish list! AH! I'm going to need a lot of $$ to stock up....yikes! :)

This packet looks soooooo amazing!! Nicole Allison's Ultimate Data Collection Binder for Common Core Standards. YES. PLEASE. !!!!

I also really like Nicole Allison's My First Week in Speech packet! Adorable! I can totally see myself using this with my new 3rd graders that I haven't met yet, and all of my returning 4th and 5th graders, too!

I of course need my pal Jenn's new product My Daily Routines! I think this will be really helpful for some of my friends!

Jenna has this AMAZING looking product...Give a Mouse Bundle! I NEED THIS!!!!!! I love these books and so do my students!!!

My older kids LOVE UNO. LOVE it! They could play it every day if I let them! Sublime Speech has this awesome looking activity that I know they would love! Word Level Artic Uno

That's it for now! I'm sure I will be adding many more things to my cart before the big sale on Monday!!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

xoxo, Sara

Friday, January 24, 2014

2 years later....

Wow. I haven't posted on here in two years. We were all supposed to be so good and update these things :) haha

Not a lot has changed in my life. Back on the exercise/diet wagon, which is going well so far. The YMCA is doing a "biggest loser challenge" that some of us from work signed up for. It's so nice to do these things with friends! Still working in Kirksville at the schools and at church. Same apartment. Same friends. Same ole same ole.

Last year was really rough. REALLY rough. Thankfully, everything is okay now, but, it all gave me what I'm sure is major anxiety, and I am a constant mess. Happy, but a mess.

I've been contemplating doing something different in the blog world and writing about some speech-related things. I've been so inspired by some of my speech-blog friends lately!  But I'm sure that 1-no one would read it, 2-don't know if I have time for it,  3-don't know what what I would talk about/make/do for it, and 4-I don't know a lot about clip art/web design/etc. haha. Plus, I kind of like just reading their ideas and learning from them...I don't think I have enough ideas to contribute to others! haha So. It's just thoughts in my head :)

That's all for now :)