Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm a really lucky lady and I don't think I remind myself of that enough.
Tonight I'm thankful for friends to vent to about anything and everything when I'm having a stressful day/week. and I'm thankful that I was reminded how lucky I am today. One of the 5th grade teachers son was diagnosed with cancer today. He is 4 years old. FOUR. He fell a few weeks ago off their trampoline, then complained of his back *kidney* hurting. He already spent a week in the Columbia hospital, then went home, spiked a terrible fever again, was in our hospital for a few days, went back to Children's hospital in Columbia yesterday, had surgery to remove his kidney today, and it came back cancerous. Thank goodness he fell of that trampoline and they were able to catch this! Otherwise, they may have never known! It's just so crazy to think about how little things like that happen. I hate hearing about cancer affecting anyone, but a four year old???? It's just not fair. It really made me put things into perspective today and to stop thinking about myself and what I consider these huge issues/stresses right now aside and just pray that God bring peace and comfort to this family and help him to heal quickly!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I know, I know, I have yet to post a true post, friends. I read all of yours faithfully and they give me so much joy, inspiration, and things to think about. My life has been so crazy lately and I know this will be a good place to vent and write it all down. Just give me time.

Much love!